Anyone up for a Too-bean salad sandwich?

Anyone up for a Too-bean salad sandwich?

The birds living at the New England Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary in Rhode Island are the inspiration for naming of this salad. The cockatoos love healthy snacks, and when I shared this one with Kongo Bird, he dove into it. So, I thought it would be a cute play on words, for the two beans of cubed baked tofu and chickpeas, or garbanzos. You can find the recipe for the baked tofu at the end of this post under “sources”.

Eat chickpeas not chicks

When I was a carnivore, I used to eat a lot of chicken salad. I made it different ways – curried with raisins, or with walnuts and cranberries – it always had a creamy base to it. Now that I am vegan I started to explore different kinds of creamy salads. Salads I can spoon into a pocket, definitely a comfort food for me.

The two beans in the salad are baked cubed tofu and chickpeas. Try smashing a few of them so it holds together better. A handful of grape tomatoes and a stalk of celery provide a nice contrast in color and texture. Some leftover parsley needed to be used, so I chopped that up and threw it in, too.

Italian Herb Mix Baked Tofu

Oven Baked Italian Herb Tofu from OhMyVeggies

I remember visiting a friend down in South Carolina awhile ago and going to the neighbors for dinner. The neighbor had a big bowl of potato salad with some interesting ingredients in it, like peas. Sue said, “Yeah, I put about anything I have in it.”

Then I added a spoonful of the vegan pesto from Trader Joe's and a spoonful of Vegenaise. If I ever have more time I may try making a homemade mayonnaise recipe I found on YouTube. The base is navy beans and vegetable oil. The only thing I don't like about Vegenaise is the canola oil. It doesn't stop me from buying it though, because it tastes so good. Besides, I'm getting less and less comfortable using cashews, so any other alternative ingredients work for me. See why in “sources” at the end of this post.

Too Bean Vegan Salad with Chickpeas - Garbanzo tomatoes and celery.

Here below is VeganLovlie's video how to bake vegan mayonnaise. It looks delicious with the white beans.

Make your own mayo that rocks the house!

I found that chopped up celery gives a nice crunch. It replaces onion, without the aftertaste of onions. As I write this, it is late spring with chives and scallions, green onions, in season. These have a lighter taste than regular onions, so you may enjoy mixing them in as well.

A few raisins add sweetness. Yum!

My blogging partner reminded me that celery is not welcome in her home. She said “I would replace your celery with radishes.”

Okay, radishes, celery, I don't judge. What would your optional crunchy veg be?

I also decided to splurge and add two twists of the black pepper mill and a sprinkle of pink salt.

Two Bean Vegan Salad

As you can see from the image, I chose to use a pita pocket. Lately I've been on a flat bread, or unleavened bread Kik because I know they do not have eggs or dairy added to them. Perhaps even subconsciously I am thinking about the yeast, I don't know.

Whatever your choice of bread or grain, let us know! I didn't have any greens, but I may have added some arugula or spring salad leaves. Come to think of it, this salad has chopped up kale in it, too.

As my friend Sue from South Carolina says, “Throw whatever you've got into it.”

In Joy!


  • Chickpeas – either from a tin or soaked and cooked. Not raw or soaked only.
  • Italian herb-baked tofu, cubed
  • Celery and/or radish
  • Tomatoes, chopped
  • Kale, chopped or your choice of leafy greens
  • Parsley or your choice of herbs like chives, basil.
  • Anything else you want to throw in, like chopped up walnuts, raisins or cranberries
Cockatoo living at New England Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary in Rhode Island.
Cockatoos love salad, so I named my two-bean salad, Too-bean.


‘Blood cashews': the toxic truth about your favourite nut

Italian Herb Baked Tofu

Vegan menu plan made in 3 easy steps

Vegan menu plan made in 3 easy steps

Vegan Menu Plan Made Easy

A vegan menu plan doesn't have to be fancy or complicated. When I first transitioned to a vegan diet years ago, I tried following other people's menu plans. I bought programs and joined an online club that sent me weekly plans. But just as we are all unique, so is our approach to menu planning. I like easy ways to come up with my own vegan menu plan.

When you want to eat a healthy vegan diet, it's important always to have that kind of food in your fridge and food pantry. A vegan menu plan is a healthful way to stay on track and a bit different than making an omnivore menu plan. In three easy steps, I show you how to do exactly that.

Of course, there are also kind people out there that will do it for you. Some are free and some are paid. But as I said above, I like a vegan menu plan made easy. Many of the premade ones you find online are catering to someone else's taste buds. It can be enlightening for new foods, or frustrating if you don't like the menu plan – especially if you paid for it. I suggest getting a two or three favorite vegan cookbooks and make a vegan menu plan yourself.

Vegan menu plan: how to start

The First Step is to decide which starch and protein you want to build your meals around. Starches are important because they make you feel full and gives you the most needed plant fibers. You want your meals to be both hearty and satisfying.

Good sources of plant-based proteins are legumes and beans, quinoa, soy, nuts, and, of course, foods made from these ingredients. Good forms of starches are brown rice, beans, whole grain wheat or whole grain pasta, winter squash and potatoes, especially sweet potatoes.

The Second Step is the texture. Often meals with only one texture have a tendency to get bored fast. Not only boring meals but you will also not feel satisfied. When I talk texture I am talking about creamy, crunchy, smooth and firm.  Whatever you decide to cook be sure to include at least two different textures per meal. An example: A regular green salad could transform into a hearty meal by adding firm baked tempeh, crunchy sesame seeds, creamy avocado, and smooth cashew dressing on top.

The Third Step is to upgrade the nutrient density. Which foods are nutrient dense? Leafy greens and cruciferous veggies are some of the most nutrient-dense foods you can add to your meals. Leafy greens are chard, collard greens, and kale. Cruciferous veggies are cabbage, broccoli, and radishes.

Here is how I did my last meal:

  1. I chose garbanzo beans / chickpeas as the starch / protein, then I thought about what to make of the beans. I love casseroles, so a garbanzo casserole it will be.
  2. Next to think of is the texture, a casserole will be smooth if I put coconut milk in, I will need something crisp, so I will top with a few raw slices of onion. Serve with bread with avocado spread for the crunchiness.
  3. To amplify the nutrient density I will serve, as a side boiled cauliflower.

So, I served a garbanzo bean casserole, with vegetables, topped with slices of red onion & a slice of bread with avocado spread with nutritional yeast on the side.

Below an Italian Garbanzo Bean Casserole Recipe

Ingredients: (serves 4)

  • 1 large spaghetti squash, shredded
  • 2 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas (500 grams)
  • 1 medium zucchini, sliced (approx.16 slices)
  • 1/2 cup sliced Kalamata black olives (100 grams)
  • 3 large white mushrooms, sliced

Homemade Tomato Basil Sauce:

  • 1 can No-Salt tomato sauce
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil (a handful)
  • 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon dried parsley

Additional Toppings:

  • 1 to 2 Tablespoon Nutritional Yeast
  • 1 Tablespoon dried basil (for sprinkling on top)


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F / 175°C.
  • Microwave the spaghetti squash for 5 minutes or until you can easily cut it and fork out the strands. Prepare the remaining of the vegetables and set everything aside.
  • In a bowl mix all the sauce ingredients and give everything a good stir until smooth.
  • In an 8×8″ / 20×20 cm casserole dish, assemble the casserole: Layer the bottom with the squash, next layer chickpeas, then zucchini, olives, mushrooms, and finally the sauce. Top the casserole with nutritional yeast and an extra sprinkle of basil.
  • Put the casserole in the oven and bake for 25 minutes.

Cool Cucumber hummus with chives

Cool Cucumber hummus with chives

The sun is shining, it's hot, I want a snack, I don't want to cook. In my freezer I have chickpeas, in my fridge I have lemons, a cucumber, and tahini. Hummus comes to mind, why not add cucumber to a hummus? it would make it lighter and healthier. Yes, I'll give that a try with crackers. Goes well with a glass of chill white wine. The best thing about this recipe is, you just toss everything in a mini chopper or a food processor.

Start – pulse – ready to serve.

I use avocado oil, you can of, course use your favorite or none at all.

Photo credit Mattie Hagedorn I added the text, you have CC license to the photo.

Homemade Vegan Nutella, Easy Way to be Even More Popular!

Homemade Vegan Nutella, Easy Way to be Even More Popular!

Why would you want to make a homemade Nutella? Because Nutella is not vegan, yet there are some Nutella-alike products for you to buy. If you are anything like me, you will spend endless hours reading the labels – yes I know you do, you love Nutella too. So Nutella is not vegan? no, read this ingredient list for the original Nutella Hazelnut Spread:

  • Sugar (may or may not be vegan)
  • Palm oil (vegan but not for the environment-friendly)
  • Hazelnuts
  • Cocoa
  • Skim milk!
  • Reduced minerals whey (and that's milk)
  • Lecithin as emulsifier (soy, unless labeled “organic” it's GMO)
  • Vanillin: An artificial flavor (can contain anything)

Below the recipe is an infographic.

Home Made Vegan Nutella


This batch will be 2-1/2 cup.

1 cup = 2.3 dl.
Home made Vegan Nutella Infographic

Healing White Vegan Gazpacho

Healing White Vegan Gazpacho

This healing white vegan gazpacho soup has many vitamins and minerals. It contains highly anti-inflammatory vitamin E and B and riboflavin in the almonds. The olive oil, cauliflower are also highly anti-inflammatory. The apple is rich in histamine, which lowers quercetin.

Apple cider vinegar is the lowest histamine of all vinegar. It is made from apples that have significant antihistamine and mast cell stabilizing activity. Garlic is not only anti-inflammatory but also anti-bacterial. Cucumber is an antioxidant that is good for your skin as well as an analgesic, which might decrease pain.

A healthy and cooling soup excellent to beat the summer heat.

[bctt tweet=”Ever tried White Gazpacho? healthy and great in the summer heat.” username=”allveganfoods”]

and The World's Healthiest Foods

5 vegan tapas recipes to celebrate Spanish cuisine

5 vegan tapas recipes to celebrate Spanish cuisine

5 vegan tapa recipesVegan tapas have called to me, and I have responded. I now have a load of new vegan appetizer ideas, or vegan tapas, to share with you. Last week was “Tapa″ week here in San Juan de la Ramba, where I've been staying this winter. It’s a lovely small village situated in the northern part of Tenerife, Spain.

Vegan tapas are not traditional

Ten Restaurants competed on serving the most creative tapa. All the restaurants served “their” tapa and a drink for a nice price of €2.50 ($3.10). The problem for me was, of course, that none of the tapas were vegan.

So, I decided to find good tapas recipes and recreate vegan versions for myself.

Vegan tapas to try

The start of this project was to find the recipes. Here are those that I started out with:

1.  Vegan Jalapeno Poppers 

2. Cherry Tomatoes and Watermelon

3. Tofu Triangles

4. Radicchio Cups

5. Dessert tapas – blueberries 😀

Let's take the dessert first – I've never heard of tapas for dessert, despite having spent some time in Spain. I don't know if it's even a thing, but vegan desserts as tapas, well, I'm all for it!

The jalapeno poppers are too hot for me, but my “tasters” love them! So, if you are into hot stuff this is for you. making sure to remove all the seeds and the inner vein helps, as well as choosing your variety of pepper.

The cherry tomatoes with watermelon are just lovely with a nice mild taste. They can be served as palate cleansers and are great for a hot summer's day.

For the tofu triangles, I used coconut oil, plus I added nutritional yeast and served them warm – a great “snack” taste, salty!

Radicchio cups are so packed with goodness that I can eat them as a meal. These are festive party pleasers

All the vegan tapas I tried were so delicious and well worth the effort – not that they are hard to make, but tapas often need a bit of prep time. I like to make up a batch or two and they will keep for a few days in the refrigerator if they last that long.