Menopause relief is easier than you think with a few tweaks to your diet. I found recovery from menopausal symptoms only when I finally transformed my diet. While I was mostly vegetarian 10 years ago, I also ate a lot of junk. I am still amazed at how eating junk can affect my hormone swings. Even now, years later, if I eat too much sugar or processed foods, I'll notice hot flashes come on. I now look immediately to diet choices for my menopause relief.

Menopause relief is for men, too

The following video has three tips for menopause relief. In working with both men and women, I've found that many men experience a change in their hormone levels as well. Even though the speakers in the video are speaking to women, I suggest men heed the same advice, and you'll notice an overall improvement in your energy and focus, too:


Dr. Neal Barnard has some great tips to help with menopause relief, and he includes some cooking tips for soybeans. Below are the three tips he offers:

1. Go vegan if you're not. At least for a week or so, if you're still on the fence about it all.  Fruits, grains, legumes, V B12 is all you need.

2. Lower your oil intake. for the time being, and it doesn't have to be forever, just cut out your oils. If you are eating processed foods like frozen pizza if it has more than 3 grams of fat, then there's extra oil you don't need. Take a week to pay attention to your diet, making it a point to eat only plant-based for a week and cut out oil wherever possible. Then check your symptoms and see how you feel!

3. Include soybeans in your daily food intake. There are a lot of different soybean products to choose from in addition to Dr. Barnard's suggestions. I am a big fan of tofu.

What do you do for menopause relief?

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