Vegan menu plan made in 3 easy steps

Vegan menu plan made in 3 easy steps

Vegan Menu Plan Made Easy

A vegan menu plan doesn't have to be fancy or complicated. When I first transitioned to a vegan diet years ago, I tried following other people's menu plans. I bought programs and joined an online club that sent me weekly plans. But just as we are all unique, so is our approach to menu planning. I like easy ways to come up with my own vegan menu plan.

When you want to eat a healthy vegan diet, it's important always to have that kind of food in your fridge and food pantry. A vegan menu plan is a healthful way to stay on track and a bit different than making an omnivore menu plan. In three easy steps, I show you how to do exactly that.

Of course, there are also kind people out there that will do it for you. Some are free and some are paid. But as I said above, I like a vegan menu plan made easy. Many of the premade ones you find online are catering to someone else's taste buds. It can be enlightening for new foods, or frustrating if you don't like the menu plan – especially if you paid for it. I suggest getting a two or three favorite vegan cookbooks and make a vegan menu plan yourself.

Vegan menu plan: how to start

The First Step is to decide which starch and protein you want to build your meals around. Starches are important because they make you feel full and gives you the most needed plant fibers. You want your meals to be both hearty and satisfying.

Good sources of plant-based proteins are legumes and beans, quinoa, soy, nuts, and, of course, foods made from these ingredients. Good forms of starches are brown rice, beans, whole grain wheat or whole grain pasta, winter squash and potatoes, especially sweet potatoes.

The Second Step is the texture. Often meals with only one texture have a tendency to get bored fast. Not only boring meals but you will also not feel satisfied. When I talk texture I am talking about creamy, crunchy, smooth and firm.  Whatever you decide to cook be sure to include at least two different textures per meal. An example: A regular green salad could transform into a hearty meal by adding firm baked tempeh, crunchy sesame seeds, creamy avocado, and smooth cashew dressing on top.

The Third Step is to upgrade the nutrient density. Which foods are nutrient dense? Leafy greens and cruciferous veggies are some of the most nutrient-dense foods you can add to your meals. Leafy greens are chard, collard greens, and kale. Cruciferous veggies are cabbage, broccoli, and radishes.

Here is how I did my last meal:

  1. I chose garbanzo beans / chickpeas as the starch / protein, then I thought about what to make of the beans. I love casseroles, so a garbanzo casserole it will be.
  2. Next to think of is the texture, a casserole will be smooth if I put coconut milk in, I will need something crisp, so I will top with a few raw slices of onion. Serve with bread with avocado spread for the crunchiness.
  3. To amplify the nutrient density I will serve, as a side boiled cauliflower.

So, I served a garbanzo bean casserole, with vegetables, topped with slices of red onion & a slice of bread with avocado spread with nutritional yeast on the side.

Below an Italian Garbanzo Bean Casserole Recipe

Ingredients: (serves 4)

  • 1 large spaghetti squash, shredded
  • 2 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas (500 grams)
  • 1 medium zucchini, sliced (approx.16 slices)
  • 1/2 cup sliced Kalamata black olives (100 grams)
  • 3 large white mushrooms, sliced

Homemade Tomato Basil Sauce:

  • 1 can No-Salt tomato sauce
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil (a handful)
  • 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon dried parsley

Additional Toppings:

  • 1 to 2 Tablespoon Nutritional Yeast
  • 1 Tablespoon dried basil (for sprinkling on top)


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F / 175°C.
  • Microwave the spaghetti squash for 5 minutes or until you can easily cut it and fork out the strands. Prepare the remaining of the vegetables and set everything aside.
  • In a bowl mix all the sauce ingredients and give everything a good stir until smooth.
  • In an 8×8″ / 20×20 cm casserole dish, assemble the casserole: Layer the bottom with the squash, next layer chickpeas, then zucchini, olives, mushrooms, and finally the sauce. Top the casserole with nutritional yeast and an extra sprinkle of basil.
  • Put the casserole in the oven and bake for 25 minutes.

Is Chocolate Really a Superfood?

Is Chocolate Really a Superfood?

Is chocolate a superfood? Yes, it is true! Dark chocolate which is high in cocoa solids, minimum 70%, is now recognized as having many qualities that are beneficial to our health. For many years, chocolate has been viewed as the ultimate comfort food and it has become one of the most popular foods in the world.

The question is, are there any health benefits to consuming dark chocolate? Yes, over-consumption of any food can have a bad effect on general health. Recent studies have shown that eating, in moderation, of dark chocolate has many health benefits. So eating about an ounce of dark chocolate every day is actually a good thing for your health!

The first question that you may ask is why dark chocolate, not milk chocolate? Because dark chocolate comes out in favor when it comes to nutritional benefits. Dark chocolate has more fiber and nutrients and fewer sugars and cholesterol.

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The Main Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolatevegan chocolate

Lowers cholesterol. In studies, dark chocolate has proven to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol). As we know, too much bad cholesterol is not good for us. These studies showed that dark chocolate provided health benefits when it comes to cholesterol.

It’s good for the heart. Perhaps this is the most well-known reason. Dark chocolate contains nutrients that are known to help lower blood sugar and increase blood flow. Besides, anything that lowers cholesterol is good for the heart. Some studies have shown that dark chocolate can reduce cardiovascular death in men by up to 50%. These aren’t scientific studies, but as dark chocolate lowers cholesterol as well as lower blood pressure, these findings are significant.

It boosts your skin. Dark chocolate contains lots of flavanols, which protect the skin against sun damage. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can do without sun cream! But, it does mean that the flavanols will reduce the damage on the skin due to the sun. So, if you are planning a summer vacation, then you could start increasing your intake of dark chocolate a few weeks before your holiday. In general, dark chocolate has a positive effect on the skin.

Can prevent diabetes. Insulin is a word associated with diabetes. Many studies have shown that dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity. This means that dark chocolate can improve blood sugar levels. Because of its properties, it can be a part of a diabetic diet.

It’s nutritious. There are many good reasons for eating chocolate. Of course, chocolate contains calories – up to 242 per 100 grams. This means that we should eat it in moderation. Yet, dark chocolate contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper and manganese, zinc, potassium, and selenium. It is also a good source of fiber, containing about 11 grams.

Good source of antioxidants. Dark chocolate also contains a good amount of antioxidants, which are great for promoting heart health. As well as decreasing the risk of infection, and fighting free radicals in the body. The cocoa tree is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet. This means that its fruits – the cocoa pods also have antioxidant properties. Many studies have shown dark chocolate to have a higher amount of antioxidants than blueberries or Acai berries.

Although dark chocolate has a higher calorie, fat and saturated fat content than milk chocolate, its health benefits are much higher than milk chocolate. If you consider that dark chocolate has 22% more iron, four times more fiber, and 242 grams more theobromine (the alkaloid which reduces blood pressure) per half bar than milk chocolate, then the picture becomes clearer that dark chocolate has many health benefits.

It is also worth considering that dark chocolate has fewer carbs and half the sugar of milk chocolate. It’s easy to see why dark chocolate has many health benefits.

Dark chocolate is definitely the preferred flavor of chocolate when it comes to those midnight snacks or holiday treats. Just make sure you don’t overindulge!

SPECIAL OFFER: Check out this chocolate that is healthier than kale! 


7 herbs to help you use less salt

7 herbs to help you use less salt

Before you decide to use less salt, know that humans need salt. We need 1500 mg of sodium, or 3.8 grams of salt, to replace the amount lost daily on average through sweat and urination. Besides helping to maintain fluid balance and cardiovascular function, sodium and chloride ions also play an important role in the nervous system. Yet, Americans could certainly consume less salt, given all the meat, pizza and processed foods our society eats.

But what is a healthy level of salt intake?

Less salt does not mean no salt

Most carnivore doctors suggest less salt intake to help regulate health issues. Over 75 percent of our salt intake comes from processed foods, and for nonvegans, the amount of injected sodium is higher than vegetables or fruit. Check out this short video about salt intake:

Salt is also the most common ingredient used in cooking. It acts as a preservative, a way to counteract the sweetness of a dish. And it satisfies our taste buds because it enhances the flavor of food. Almost everybody loves that extra pinch or tablespoon of salt, but, too much salt can lead to several diseases, with high blood pressure being the most common. If you already are vegan and are not a processed or junk food eater, you already consume less salt and may be fine with cooking with your desired amount of salt. Wherever you fall on the salt spectrum, it's also a nice idea to make use of other herbs, from both a nutritional and taste point of view.

Less salt, more herbs

If you need to or are choosing to decrease the amount of salt that goes into your food, consider using herbs as a taste replacement. You may already have these as a staple in your kitchen or in your herb garden. Most of the foods that we consume contain a fair amount of salt in them in their natural state. There isn’t a need to throw in some more.

One of the things people fail to realize is that eating healthy does not have to be misery. In fact, we all want flavor from our food. So, if that extra pinch of salt is important to you then take a look at the seven herbs below that can be used to replace salt.


Dill is a slightly sour herb that can be paired with other herbs/spices to create a one-of-a-kind flavor for your meals.

Consider pairing dill with a sweeter herb such as thyme to achieve a nice balance of sweet and sour. Dill can be used in the form of a leaf or in a crushed/dried form, it all depends on what you prefer.


 Chives are an age-old source of added flavor and it is used and grow worldwide. Chives add a hint of onion to your dish and they already have natural salt content within them.

Chives are perfect for potato soup, chili, or a vegetable stew. They are also great in small amounts, such as sprinkled on your potatoes.


Thyme is a great alternative to salt because it comes in several flavor varieties including lemon and orange. There is a slightly salty undertone to thyme, but you also get the bonus of added flavor.

Thyme has a slightly sweet flavor as well and is best used in combination with parsley, oregano, and rosemary.

Thyme blends nicely with roasted vegetables.


 Mint is a common herb used that comes in a variety of strengths. You can choose a mint leaf that will give a slight kick or a mint leaf that will change up the entire flavor of your meal.

Mint also comes in several different flavor combinations. You can buy flavors like chocolate mint and orange mint in your local grocery store. These flavors work great in pasta, baking, and salads.  Yet Swiss mint is for desserts only as the taste is sweeter.


Oregano is an Italian spice that works best with pasta dishes or on pizza. Due to the spice’s potency and spicy undertones, the herb is an excellent substitute for salt. For an added kick, combine oregano with basil and parsley.


Allspice is a common herb blend amongst several cultures. There is no real “flavor” of allspice; the herb tastes like a blend of juniper, nutmeg, peppercorn, and cinnamon. Yet, it actually comes from a dried berry four in Jamaica.

 The variety of flavors that we taste with allspice makes it a great substitute for salt. Because it can add a unique flavor to your dishes and draw out the flavors of the dish itself.


Basil leaves are the most common herbs that are used for cooking in India. These leaves are pungent in taste and slightly sweet in nature. It is not just known for its medicinal benefits but also known as a salt alternative.

Basil is a well-known ingredient in pestos, but it's also great in soups, stews, vegetable bakes, and even desserts.

Less salt does not mean less flavor

Even with less salt added to your meals to enhance the flavor of a dish, you can still have enough to get that salty kick you crave. A mix of salt with other herbs and spices can pop the senses beautifully.

Also, fresh herbs tend to be more flavorful and luscious than dried varieties. Make sure and get fresh whenever you can or grow your own.

There are many herbs that can help you add unique flavors to your dishes and still keep the salty undertones you desire. Take some time to experiment with the herbs mentioned above and decide which flavor combination you like the most!


Guinness no longer fishy

Guinness no longer fishy

If you are a beer drinker you already know about Guinness´ plan to go vegan in 2016. What is the buzz about? Guinness has been around for 256 years and it that time never felt the pressure from vegan, that is until now. Maybe it´s an Irish thing. The brand has decided it is time for an improvement, although they call it change. Great news for vegans either way.

Since the 19th century, Guinness has filtered out yeast from its signature stout with isinglass. A by-product of fish bladders. Most of the isinglass is removed before the beer hits the market. Guinness answered in several emails, that there are still leftovers in the finished product. You may want to check the answers at . This is the reason, Guinness is off-limits.

Yet, many of us vegans still love our Guinness. According to CNBC, online petitions have been circulating asking Guinness to change their filtration process. The brand has announced that, indeed, they are planning to open a new filtration plant in 2016. A plant will finally make our beer vegan-friendly. “Whilst isinglass is a very effective means of clarification, and has been used for many years, we expect to stop using it as the new filtration asset is introduced,” a spokesman told Ireland’s The Times.

Now if only we can petition Baileys to replace  cream with coconut cream, finally we vegans can drink our favorite drinks. 🙂

Should you wish to check other beers for being vegan here´s a fine website dedicated to inform you about just that. – their search base also includes wine and liquor.

How To Buy Fruit: Fresh Or Frozen?

How To Buy Fruit: Fresh Or Frozen?

How to buy fruit when it's fresh and seasonal

I'm having such an amazing odyssey this fall that I just wanted to tell you about what I'm doing. I'm learning a lot about how to buy fruit from the locals on this tropical island where I am currently living.

This winter snowbird season 2015-16 I am spending on the Spanish island Tenerife. The weather is great! But the real reason I stay there is for the wine and fresh fruits and vegetables. I have been here for more than a month now. But I haven´t visited one of the outdoor farmers´ markets yet. It´s a bit embarrassing, as one of them is only 2 km from our house.

How to buy fruit: visit farmers' markets

A Finnish couple who is staying in the same village as we told us about the local farmers' market. You can find loads of fresh produce from the local farmers. It's open every Saturday and Sunday. At the moment bananas, or plátanos as they are called here, are in season. In fact, it seems they are in season all year round. Must be this amazing climate.

My dear readers in more northern climates are moving into the winter season. From what many of you tell me, Saturday morning farmers' markets are quite popular through the winter. As the weather gets colder the weekend market moves inside.

Back here in Tenerife, mangos are nearing the end of their season. The end of November will be the last harvest this season. My American friend in Hawaii told me she'd buy a big bag of them, chop them up into chunks, and then freeze them. She put them separately into serving-size plastic bags and containers.

For the most part, I buy fresh whenever I can. I'm not a big fan of pre-frozen anything. That's just my personal preference. Nevertheless, frozen fruit – as long as you don't leave it in there forever – still holds nutrients and taste, a welcome addition to a smoothie. Or consider buying a dehydrator – dried fruit is loaded with nutrients and just as healthy as fresh.

COSORI Premium Dehydrator (50 Recipes) for Food Jerky, Fruit, Dog Treats, and Herbs, Dryer Machine with Temperature Control, 6 Stainless Steel Trays, Christmas Gift, ETL Listed

Ask the farm experts for tips on how to buy fruit

When you go to the farmers' market, ask questions at the stands about recipes, and how to choose fruit to buy. Depending on the fruit, you may want to smell it and see if it is hard or gives a little to your touch. Color may make a difference as well.

  • Cherimoyas, or Buddha fruits, are grown here.  They are also called Ice cream fruit because they do taste like ice cream. I bet they are great in fruit salads, too.
  • Dragon fruit is the most exotic fruit I have ever tasted. They are commonly grown in private gardens. But if you are lucky, you can find them at farmers' markets, too.
  • Tomatoes here have a special, crisp, and romantic flavor. The pineapple tomato is what I use when I make salsa. And last but not least is the…
  • Avocado. It also grows all year round. If you go to a fruteria (special fruit and veggie shop) you can always ask for “avocados to eat today” and the owner will have a few put away for you.

COSORI Premium Dehydrator (50 Recipes) for Food Jerky, Fruit, Dog Treats, and Herbs, Dryer Machine with Temperature Control, 6 Stainless Steel Trays, Christmas Gift, ETL Listed

Well, I don't know what the chances are of you coming to lovely Tenerife. Wherever you are, you can make a similar list of local produce. If your region is challenged to find fresh, frozen is the next best thing. It lasts longer, and the nutrients last.

Life is good.

Top 7 Foods That Make You Feel Fuller for Longer

Top 7 Foods That Make You Feel Fuller for Longer


When you eat healthy foods, you feel fuller longer. Some foods naturally deliver a smaller calorie investment while giving your stomach a full feeling. You feel full, so you eat less, your calorie count goes down, and you feel great.

When you eat foods that provide little nutritional value with their calories, your mind tells you to eat more. It says, “Hey, we need nutrients, minerals, and vitamins!” So you reach for more of the unhealthy food that is sitting in front of you. You eventually become full but take in way more calories, fat and processed nasties than your body needs.

The result? You pack on the weight and fat, your heart, circulatory system and entire body suffers, and you find yourself hungry again relatively quickly. Eat the following.

2 pepper fruits feel fuller

1 – Beans and Legumes

“Beans, beans, the magical fruit; the more you eat, the more you toot!” That children's rhyme refers to the flatulence-causing property of most beans. Yes, they can give you gas, no doubt about it. But on the positive side, they are high in protein and dietary fiber.

They can also fit into just about any budget and meal plan since they are inexpensive and versatile. Beans are also a heart healthy food.

2 – Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruits deliver fewer calories per gram, much fewer on a comparative basis. So you can eat several servings of superfood fruits blueberries

  • apples
  • bananas
  • blackberries
  • cantaloupes
  • citrus fruits, grapes
  • pomegranates
  • plums

all without paying much of a calorie penalty.

You double your fat-burning when you replace foods like potato chips, chocolate bars and candy snacks with healthy fresh fruits.

fruits how to feel fuller vegan

3 – Soups

Make sure you avoid store-bought soups unless you are going to do some intelligent nutritional label research. A single can of soup that you buy at your favorite grocery store often delivers several times your daily-recommended of salt.

Homemade soups give you total control over their contents. It is fairly easy to make a large batch of soup, and then portion off individual serving sizes that you can keep in your refrigerator and freezer for easy access. Soup is also easy on the budget, and because of its liquid base, it makes you feel full. At the same time delivering a limited number of calories and loads of vitamins and minerals.

4 – Fermented Foods

Do you like crunching down on a crisp, tart pickle? That's great because fermented foods send a signal to your brain that starts a production of hormones that makes you feel full. This is true because of the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in foods that have been fermented, like kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles.

A side benefit is the healthy probiotics found in most fermented foods. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that promote proper digestion. They actually live in your gut! Some health experts and physicians also believe that probiotics reduce your appetite. So enjoy some sauerkraut or pickles. You will not only find yourself eating less, but your digestive system receives benefits as well.

5 – Nuts and Nut Butters

Nuts are packed full of healthy unsaturated fats. A healthy body needs fat, and the fats in nuts are just what you are looking for. On a per calorie basis, nuts and nut butter are rich in fiber and protein. What are the 2 leading natural components that make you feel fuller longer? You guessed it, fiber and protein.

Just don't eat too many nuts or too much nut butters at one sitting. Those healthy fats are high quantity in nuts, and should not be over-consumed. So reach for a handful of almonds or walnuts the next time you are stuck between meals and craving something to eat. The heart healthy nature of nuts is just a wonderful side benefit of this versatile and tasty raw food.

nuts feel fuller vegan

6 – Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts

Repeat after me, “cruciferous vegetables”. Vegetables like brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower belong to the cruciferous family. Cabbage, bok choy, kale, collard greens and horseradish are also a part of this healthy vegetable subdivision. They deliver high levels of healthy dietary fiber.

As with other filling foods on this list, they are inexpensive and versatile. The antioxidants and cancer-fighting ingredients in cruciferous foods are also worthy of note. Another reason you need to be getting more of these healthy whole foods into your diet.

raspberry feel fuller faster

7 – Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries and Other Berries

Most berries are high in wonderful antioxidants that fight dangerous free radicals in your body. They are also heart healthy and deliver high levels of phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins that promote body health, inside and out. Your immunity system receives a huge boost when you eat berries regularly. This means that your natural defense system is much better prepared to ward off infections, disease, and sickness.

It also means that you recover from injuries and sickness fast. Berries contribute a few calories considering the amount of filling fiber they deliver. Just 1 cup of raspberries offers a full 8 g of fiber. (The average adult needs between 25 and 30 g of dietary fiber each  day from food items, not supplements.)

Protein is the most satisfying type of food. More than carbohydrates and fats, protein satisfies your hunger more effectively than any other type of food. And guess what? Researchers are not even quite sure why protein acts like a stop sign, signaling your mind to stop eating. But it does. So make sure that you are getting the recommended 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight (about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram) every day.

And don't forget filling, healthy, digestive track regulating fiber. The “modern-day” diet is lacking in dietary fiber. Foods like the brans, grains and oats listed above do a great job of delivering protein and dietary fiber. And limiting the number of carbohydrates and calories you consume.

To summarize, for a solution to feeling full eat foods high in fiber and/or protein. They have high satiety index scores, which is a fancy way of saying they are healthy foods that make you feel fuller longer.