Stay Vegan while Traveling Tips.
Holiday time is approaching and we will be jumping on planes, trains, buses or ferries to go to our holiday destination.
As vegans we cannot always rely on getting vegan foods. So we will have to get creative because often time we get a simple salad served, which is not bad but not filling either.
Our flight left early in the morning, so for breakfast I made us peanut butter and banana sandwiches on sprouted bread, which we had at the airport after getting through security. I also made big zip lock bags of delicious spiced roasted garlic chick peas for the plane ride, and granola for when we would be site seeing and walking around. On the plane, we munched on our chick peas while reading our books and it was enough to satisfy our hunger pains while up in the air. The recipe below is what I made for our trip.
Go to the article to get the recipe: http://www.happycow.net/blog/how-to-eat-vegan-while-traveling/
Most restaurants in the airport are accommodating. Ask the server to omit an ingredient or to make a different variation of something.
Some airline menus will offer a salad option, simply have it with no or very little dressing.
Print out a list ahead of time of vegan restaurants, health food stores, and grocery stores from Happy Cow (and you can download their app too).
Stores located inside airports will have convenient snacks in a pinch, but remember to read those ingredients. Things like trail mixes can contain lots of sugars and oils.
Read full article at http://www.happycow.net/blog/how-to-eat-vegan-while-traveling/
Photo Credit: Mike Linksvayer